PDF Forms

Rating Category – Application for farmland rating category

For land to be rated as Farmland, Council must determine that the land meets the requirements for categorisation as “Farmland” which is prescribed in the Local Government Act 1993. The following guide provides details of this under the heading: Important information to assist you in determining your rating category.

Rating Category – Request for revision of rating category

In accordance with the Local Government Act, 1993 Council must declare each parcel of land within the Council area to be within one of the following categories - Farmland, Mining, Residential or Business. Council presently has one category for farmland, one category and two sub-categories for residential, one category and two sub-categories for business. The category or sub-category for your property is clearly printed on the front of your annual rate notice. A ratepayer may apply to Council to have a land category or sub-category reviewed by filling in and submitting the Request for revision of rating category application form.

Report an Issue

If you have an issue to raise with Council about a matter within the Local Government Area please complete the following form. You may include an image to support your issue.

Street Stall or Raffle Ticket Sales Application Form

If you or a community group you represent wish to host a stall or raffle selling on public land please complete the following form.

Undetected Leak Rebate Application

Undetected water leaks result in higher than normal water consumption notices being issued to ratepayers. Given the nature of the undetected leak and unanticipated highwater consumption notice, this can be distressing to ratepayers and places a strain on Council resources. Whilst Council is not legally or morally responsible for these leaks it does receive requests from ratepayers for assistance or consideration on these matters. Further detail is available in Council's policy Water and Wastewater Charges – Undetected Leak Policy.


Narrandera Shire Council offers many opportunities for volunteering including Library Services, Visitor Information and Community Transport. Volunteers are also an integral part of Council’s Section 355 Committees. Community members wishing to express an interest in volunteering should complete the Volunteer Application Form.
Cruzin'No Boozing - Saturday 19 April4.30pm to 9pm

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