A permit is required for work within the Narrandera Shire Council road reserve. For further information please contact Councils Roads Traffic section on 02 6959 5510.
Works that require permits may include:
- Construction or Maintenance works
- Special Events
- Driveway works
- Cattle grid installation within the public roadway
- Works to your shop front or house that result in pedestrian or vehicular interruption within the public roadway
Council will advertise these road closures via this website and Council's Facebook page in accordance with the Roads Act and Road Regulations once a permit has been issued.
Please note if the proposed work is located on a highway or state road, Council is not the road authority and will refer the matter to the Roads and Maritime Services for determination.
Special Events
If you organise Special Events within the Narrandera Shire Council and answer yes to any of the following questions:
- Your event impact local vehicular traffic?
- Your event impact local pedestrian traffic?
- Your event is conducted on-road?
The Roads and Maritime Service (RMS), NSW Police and Council have a process for approving Special Events within our Region. This process involves consideration of your application by the Local Traffic Committee (LTC) followed by approval from Council. All applications for a special event must be submitted to Council at least 3 months prior to your event to allow for this process.
On receipt of your application Council staff will prepare a report for consideration by the Local Traffic Committee. This Committee meets as required and consists of a representative from Council, RMS, NSW Police and the Local State Member of Parliament (MP) or their nominee. The recommendation from LTC is then presented to Council at the next scheduled Council Committee meeting, usually on the third Tuesday of the next month. Event organisers are then notified of their event approval or not.
The RMS has developed a Special Event Traffic Management Plan template (TMP) that is available on their website. This document is designed to provide Council with the necessary information to successfully assess your application.
For further information regarding special events please contact Council's Events Officer.
Heavy Vehicle National Law
Under the Heavy Vehicle National Law, road managers have responsibilities regarding decision making for heavy vehicle access to their road network. As a road manager, local government is recognised in legislation as being responsible for consenting to access to restricted access vehicles on their roads, and the conditions under which they will operate.
The HVNL requires local government to formally consent to operation on their roads before a permit can be issued. NHVR Road Manager hotline 1300 880 493 or email RM.enquiries@nhvr.gov.au.