Blooming Connections
2022 National 1 & 2 Cylinder Veteran Vehicle Rally

The 2022 National 1 & 2 Cylinder Veteran Vehicle Rally is coming to Narrandera 9th to 13th May 2022

The vehicles range from 1904 to about 1910 in age and are powered by 1 & 2 Cylinder motors.

You will see Cars, motor bikes and high wheel motor buggy’s.

Every day the vehicles start from Twynam street neat the tourist information centre.

The rally is a hub event which means the vehicles start from Narrandera and travel to nearby towns and return.

Where we will be:

  • Monday 9th May Travel to Leeton where the vehicles will be displayed in Chelmsford Street near the motel
  • Tuesday 10th May Travel to Morundah for lunch.
  • Wednesday 11th May Visit the Fisheries centre then to Glendale Orchard.
  • Thursday 12th May Travel to Ganmain for lunch.
  • Friday 13th May Visit to Yanco Agg high school. Not no public access to school.

Monthly Council updates: