Land to be developed |
Gawnes Road, GRONG GRONG NSW 2652 |
Lot: 15 Section: - DP: 750851 |
Proposed development |
1.5 MW Photovoltaic Solar Farm – Modification |
Applicant |
Komo Energy Pty Ltd |
Consent authority |
Narrandera Shire Council |
Submissions Close |
29 April 2022 |
Council has received an application for the above Development Consent.
If further information or clarification is required please contact the Development & Environment Section 02 6959 5510.
Any interested person may, within the aforementioned period, lodge a written submission to the Council with respect to the proposed development. If the submission is an objection, the grounds of the objection must be specified. All submissions should be addressed to General Manager, Narrandera Shire Council, 141 East Street, Narrandera NSW 2700 or emailed to council@narrandera.nsw.gov.au
Persons making submissions should be aware that their submissions may be the subject of an information request under the Government Information (Public Access) act 2009 – the GIPA Act. The Council will treat each request according to the provisions of the Act and Regulation. A submitter may request that the Council redact any identifying details from their submission before releasing that submission.